Careers soundbite video programme


To raise awareness of a large number of jobs that students are unlikely to be aware of, in short video clips, that can be watched on their own phone or in tutor time each day over a one month period.

The aim is for the regular and daily ‘bites’ to enable and motivate students to start thinking more about possibilities and pathways.

How did you do it?

Used good up to date video resources – some good Careers Bitesize videos, Building Greater Exeter etc. Used free online virtual advent to embed links and information.

Communicated via tutors to students and required minimal staff support.

Challenges and solutions

Students not watching them, tutors not delivering in tutor time. This is a very quick and efficient ‘win’ but will require support with communication where a Careers culture isn’t already esteblished.

This was a pilot. Adaptations will be made for future to support delivery in tutor time.


Feedback questionnaire proved that students enjoyed the short video bites. Their knowledge of pathways and careers improved and it got them talking daily about what they had seen.